Monday, June 23, 2008

McCain proposes $300M prize for new auto battery

Note to John McCain. If someone can come up with a better automobile battery they won't need a $300 million prize.

I have an idea. How about we give $300 million to Warren Buffet or Bruce Covner and get them working on solving the Social Security problem. They will probably be early investors in the new battery anyway and the returns will be better.
clipped from
Republican presidential candidate John McCain said Monday that the search for alternatives to the country's dependence on foreign oil is so urgent that he's willing to throw money at it.

The Arizona senator proposed a $300 million prize for whoever can develop a better automobile battery, and $5,000 tax credits for consumers who buy new zero-emission vehicles. The latest proposal is in addition to his support for overturning the federal ban on offshore oil drilling.
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